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Agroecology for resilient and thriving Malaysia

Welcome to SRI-Mas

A non-profit NGO building resilient food systems
through Agroecology with farming communities
to enhance livelihood quality and community resilience
for thriving future generations.



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RIZAB BENIH 2021-07-25 at 07.49.05.jpeg


IRBK merupakan inisiatif gabungan 12 NGOs yang dikemudi oleh FKMM. SRI-Mas merupakan salah satu NGO yang terlibat dan ia merupakan aktiviti di bawah Biro Agroekologi dan Pertanian Alami (BAPA).

Penglibatan tanda sokongan anda amatlah dialu-alukan.

Untuk sebarang maklumat lanjut & borang rekod benih. Sila layari

Latest News

*Survey on household organic food consumption*
The Malaysia Agroecology Society (SRI-Mas) is conducting a survey on organic food consumption in Malaysia.
We seek your participation to strengthen food security in Malaysia.


*Soal selidik terhadap penggunaan makanan organik isi rumah*
Persatuan Agroekologi Malaysia (SRI-Mas) sedang menjalankan kaji selidik terhadap penggunaan makanan organik di Malaysia.

Kami mengharap penyertaan anda dapat mengukuhkan jaminan bekalan makanan di Malaysia.

A1-Household Survey on organic food consumption

Please click on this link for survey in ENGLISH


A2-Soal selidik penggunaan makanan organik isi rumah di Malaysia
Sila klik rantaian ini untuk kaji selidik dalam BAHASA MELAYU


We thank you for your participation. We are hoping you could help forward and share this survey with your social media contact.


Kami mengucapkan terima kasih di atas penyertaan anda. Kami mengharapkan bantuan anda untuk terus kongsi soal selidik ini dengan rakan media anda.


Thank you.
Sekian terima kasih.


The Malaysian Agroecology Society (SRI-Mas)
ROS: PPM-009-10-28032013
Facebook : SRI-MAS

Past Activities


Visit by Senegal Embassador to Indonesia, Nusantara Organic SRI Center (P4S NOSC), Nagrak, Sukabumi, Indonesia, 17 July 2020.

P4S NOSC will be hosting a visit by Mr Didik, Senegal Ambassador to Indonesia, on 17 July 2020.

Plans are afoot to appoint P4S NOSC to train Senegal farmers and farmers from other African countries

at P4S NOSC, on the SRI method. Later, P4S NOSC

will set up training centers in several parts of Africa.

This initiative is supported by the Indonesian Agricultural Ministry


Training of Farmers in Kg Tebaro,

Lundu Sarawak. Sept 2019- April 2020.

A #sri4diversity program under the GEF SGP UNDP

project on "Upscaling Rice Agrobiodiversity

through the system of Rice Intensification in Malaysia."

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