System of Rice Intensification
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a "climate-smart, agroecological methodology for increasing the productivity of rice and more recently other crops by changing the management of plants, soil, water and nutrients" (SRI-Rice Cornell). It is currently practiced in over 60 countries across the globe. Based on four core principles that take into account plant health, soil health, and efficient water management, agricultural productions systems under SRI can greatly contribute to the well-being of the local and global human and planetary health.

Three Major Benefits of SRI
~20-50% Increase Production Yield
~50% Water Usage Saving
~80-90% Reduction of Seed Usage
The Four SRI Principles
*Then based on these four principles, SRI practices are adapted according to local conditions.
Establish plants early and quickly to favor healthy and vigorous root and vegetative plant growth
Maintain low plant density to allow optimal development of each individual plant and to minimise competitions between plants for nutrients, water and sunlight
Enrich soils with organic matter to improve nutrient and water holding capacity, increase microbial life in the soil and to provide a good substrate for roots to grow and develop
Reduce and control the application of water; provide only as much water as necessary for optimal plant development and to favour aerobic soil conditions.